Monday, August 5, 2024

Seemingly never-ending!

I've been jumping back and forth between the kitchen garden and the back garden, trying to get things tidied up.  Trouble is because I know that I want to move some stuff out of the ornamental borders in the front, I've got to clear out the various beds in the back garden keep everything tidy that I've already done.  Oh well, keeps me out of mischief I suppose 😄

  I'm still dithering over whether or not to move the escallonia in the middle of this bed.  I have some blackcurrant bushes in the front garden which are growing and fruiting very well indeed, but the fruit is extremely sour.  I'd like to move and plant them here en masse as the flowers and leaves are nice, so I expect the escallonia will be finding itself in a new home soon 😉

Last year we moved our three cordon fruit trees into this bed from the front garden.  As you can see, they survived the move and seem to have settled well.  Their bed, like everywhere else in the garden both front and back, had become a mass of tangled weeds (mostly buttercups) and the poor little blackberry bushes had all but disappeared under all that growth. 

It took quite some time but in the end I got those pesky weeds out.  No doubt some bits of root have been left behind but I will just have to make a concerted effort to pull them out as soon as they make an appearance.  I left the lovely alchemilla mollis in place and will be adding a couple more plants from the front garden in due course.  I have rather a lot as alchemilla is one of my favourite plants 😍

I decided to move the little blackberries out of the bed.  I've now planted them in the two empty tubs, either side of the raspberries, in the patio area on the other side of the back garden.

I was pretty tired by the time I'd got all that done, so this bed between the garden shed and the log store was left for another day 😴

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