Thursday, August 15, 2024

And in my spare time...

It must seem, my lovelies, like all we've done recently is slog away in the garden.  It's true that we do seem to be spending hour-upon-hour out there at the moment, but I have been making an effort to do other stuff as well.....namely crochet, of course!  What, don't tell me that you thought for a minute there that I'd turned myself into a Housework Goddess?  Nope, I'm still the "housework slut" that you all know and love 😁

Nothing to do with this post, really, but I kept forgetting to show you the fab Frida Kahlo mug Sam and Beverly got me (along with a matching trinket dish that I forgot to photograph) for my birthday.  When I came across the photo yet again, I thought I'd best shove it into this post whilst I remembered 😉 

Anyhoo, back to the crochet!  I made some more very simple dishcloths last month.  This one is rows of half-trebles (US half double crochet).

Corner-to-corner, with a scalloped edge that I must have come across somewhere but can't recall where at the moment.  I find that the cotton yarn seems to pull out of shape more than the acrylic, but as these are only dishcloths for my own use I don't bother blocking them.

A simple granny square, with an equally simple edging.

I do like to have a good supply of dishcloths ~ bet you would never have guessed that, eh 😏

I wonder if you even remember this project.....from early 2022 😳

I really didn't get any further than the planning stage back then, but when I knew I was going to be spending a few weeks with my Dad earlier this year I decided to dig the yarn out and take it with me to work on.  I took this photo last month when the pile of squares had increased to 56.  I've been working away each evening whilst watching TV and the pile is now up to 129!  I'm fast approaching my goal of 144, so will report back once I get there 😊 

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