Friday, August 30, 2024

A new venture

Guess what I've gone and done.....yup, I've started a new, stand-alone, blog for all my dolls' house ramblings 👏  So now there will be somewhere else for you to visit that you'll most likely find even less interesting than here on My Cosy Orkney Home (MCOH) 😄

It's actually something that I've been thinking about doing for well over a year now.  This is such a busy little blog ~ it's more of a diary, I suppose, of what's going on in my life so it's full of all kinds of everything.  I really wanted somewhere that was simply devoted to both my dolls' house hobby and what was happening in Hazelton ~ hence the new blog.

I don't suppose for one minute that I will be working on my dolls' houses until the bad weather sets in so don't expect posts on the new blog any time soon 😉  I want to get as much done in the garden as possible before the winter weather sets in.  Plus I have the very big task of getting my craft room in a fit state to actually do any work in!  It's in a terrible mess at the moment as it's become a dumping ground yet again, plus we rearranged the furniture in there when we moved the sideboard out into the porch so that's added to the upheaval.

I'm still pondering over what to do about all the dolls' house posts that are here on MCOH.  I think I will most likely end up copying them and reposting on the new blog, leaving the original posts in place here for posterity.  I'm not sure at the moment about how to set them up on the new blog as I don't want to be mixing them in with new posts that I make.  Hopefully I'll think of some suitable way to do what I want in due course.  Mind you I've still got an awful lot to get done in the garden before winter, so I don't imagine there will be time for doll's house tinkering any time soon! 

Just on the off-chance that any of you might be interested, my lovelies, I will be putting a little note on here when I do post on the new blog 😏

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