Friday, July 26, 2024

The final push


I don't know if you can make it out very well, but we had a lot of condensation on the windows whilst Mark was decorating.

I guess it was a combination of it being November, the porch being unheated, and the use of water-based paint.  It was only on the glazed areas of the windows and door, though, and thankfully didn't affect the painting at all.  Bruce set up his dehumidifier, which helped considerably.

And then finally, the top coats had been applied and the decorating was finished!  The colour is Ivory from Lakeland Paints, and is a washable matt wall paint.  In fact all the paint we use these days are from this company as I have horrible difficulties with other brands; I end up with streaming eyes, nose running like a tap, and terribly itchy skin ~ it's all very unpleasant to say the least😧 

I confess that when I was first looking at the Lakeland paint chart, I initially picked out the Clotted Cream shade.  Of course, I didn't make a note of this at the time and ordered the Ivory instead😏 Thankfully it turned out to be one of those "happy accidents" (as the late, great Bob Ross would have said) ~ I really love the shade, which the chart describes as "pale peachy yellow", and the gentle warmth it brings to the porch.

The heater had originally been in the hall but we decided to replace it with a slightly larger one.  It can get quite cold and draughty in there, and as that's where our computer lives, it's not always very pleasant sitting there to use it!  Because the porch is a relatively small room and is extremely well insulated, the old hall heater works very efficiently in there.  I don't think we had to set it above 17℃/18℃ even during the coldest part of this last winter, and it mostly chugged along at 16℃.

It was so lovely to have the bulk of the work in the porch finally finished 😊 Now we just had to wait for the vinyl flooring to be laid ~ oh, and the railings for outside to turn up, of course!

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