Monday, July 22, 2024

Light at the end of the tunnel

As I mentioned before, I didn't take many photos of the internal work done by Shug nor of the electrical installation come to that.

These photos give some idea, though, of the sockets, etc, we had fitted...

...along with the new internal walls.  Because the porch is now very much narrower than the old one, it's not that easy to take photos in there!  I also had to brighten them up a tad when I added the watermark on PicMonkey as there was no lighting at that point 😄

Behind the plasterboard is a good layer of rockwool insulation.  We'd edged into November by this time, so it was good to get the insulation in even if we didn't yet have the heater installed.

There was no more for Shug to do for a little while... it was then over to Bruce to tape and fill all the joints.

Once that had all set, Mark (Bruce's son) got the walls primed.

Shug could then finally finish the woodwork, although he did have to come back later to fit the correct lower panel in the door.  We decided to have uPVC windowsills fitted as I wanted to put some of my houseplants out there in due course.  Beneath them are thick pieces of chipboard to give an additional layer of sturdiness.

I'm sure you can well imagine how good it felt to finally be on the home stretch!

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