Thursday, July 7, 2022

Ornamental garden: phase three ~ part one

Ta-daaa ~ a new border!

We had two issues to contend with after the path was put in: the height of it compared to the level of the grass, and issues with our neighbour's hedge pushing over our side of the border wall.

My intention initially was to fill the border with herbaceas perennials, and this is what I started to do.  However the plants on our neighbour's side (things like rosa rugosa, hawthorn, brambles, etc) seemed determined to get through to our side and it was a continuous battle trying to keep them at bay.

In the end I asked Adrian if we could make a new border on the grass-side of the path for my poor battered herbaceas perennials, which he agreed was a good idea as it also rather neatly solved the issue of the height difference down to the grass.  I am going to fill the original border with sturdy shrubs to make a nice mixed hedge; I can keep it trimmed how I want on the side facing into our garden and the back can fight it out with next-door's shrubs 😄

The first job was to move the old chimney-pots from other parts of the garden ~ by 'eck, they are heavy beasts!  I know it's probably not the best time of year to be digging up plants and moving them, but what I would say is that it's a fair bit cooler up here than where we lived before and there's always a good chance of rain to help settle them in 😉

The little dips in the soil, by the way, are where the sparrows have been dust-bathing!

 The metal "frame" in the middle section was a gate we had made to keep Matty from getting into the front garden.  We were never really satisfied with it, to be honest, and after Matty passed away we took the thing down.  I had the idea that I could probably make use of it at some point so persuaded Adrian that we should keep it.  It would have been too unstable to set it vertically but I rather like the look of it horizontally; I shall leave it to gently rust.  I've planted a climbing rose, A Shropshire Lad, in front of it.  The rose was originally planted to grow up the arch over the front gate, but it never really seemed happy there.  Hopefully, once it's got settled, it will like it's new home.

I've gradually been moving plants from both sides of the garden, as I'm planning on something of a revamp of all the borders ~ watch this space, as they say 😵 

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