Friday, July 29, 2022

Meanwhile, out the back.....

Adrian has been very busy working on our soil mountain and has now got most of the weeds wild flowers removed ~ for now, anyway!  The odd one is already starting to poke through again though, which he seems to take as a personal insult 😄

He's pulled the soil along the garden, onto the paved area ~ hence the blue tarp covering the latter, otherwise it will become an unholy mess when it rains ~ to start to move it away from being piled against the wall.  You can see the rubble in the soil, and just look at those big pieces he has pulled out already!

We've come across a fair amount of animal bones whilst we've been digging in the garden, both front and back, including large ones like the this that Adrian dug out of the mountain.

I'm not sure what it's from ~ a cattle bone perhaps?

Another load of garden waste waiting to be taken away, mostly from the soil mountain although I have been adding to it with stuff from the front garden, too.  Thank goodness for our local man-with-a-van, who we'll be contacting again shortly methinks!

I don't often share photos of this part of the back garden as it's not really interesting to be honest.  There were three rhubarb plants in the raised bed but only the one in the middle, Fulton's Strawberry Surprise, has survived.  Who knew that it was even possible to kill rhubarb!  I intend to move it into the front garden in the autumn, and get another one to go with it.  I'll then just leave the two rosa rugosa and the Balfour willow to their own devices LOL 

This was one of the original raised beds we had had made when all the work out the back was done but it wasn't very easy to manage, so we cut off some of the length (it got wider as it got longer) and made it one sleeper lower.  It's become totally overgrown but I've decided not to weed it until I'm ready to plant it up so that the local cats aren't encouraged to dig in it.  I got the bay tree from Tesco (from their potted herbs in the vegetable section) a number of years ago, and it lived in a pot in our old garden.  I brought it with us when we moved (obviously!) and kept saying to Adrian that I really needed to re-pot it as it was looking very sad and unwell.  When we re-made this bed, I thought I'd take it out of the confines of it's pot and plant it in there.  It's gone from strength-to-strength and is now looking very happy indeed.

The tomatoes, Paruche and Chocolate Cherry, have lots of fruit developing...

...and just look at the fruit on Buffalosun!

Peppers are starting to develop...

 ...with the promise of more to come.

And we've harvested our first Mini Muncher cucumber ~ very tasty it was too 😌

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