Monday, May 8, 2023

Yup, I'm still here!

Well the "couple of weeks" break I decided to take at the end of last year went on for rather longer than I originally planned.....closer to six months, in fact 😲

In truth the longer I haven't been posting the harder it's been to restart; I must admit that I thought long and hard about simply closing the blog altogether.  I guess I don't really have any excuses for not keeping up with the blog, although there has been a fair bit of family "stuff" (i.e. illness) going on which has, naturally, been worrying.  I just completely lost my blogging mojo, to be honest.

Actually I think it would be fair to say that I've been trying to find my mojo in other areas of my life, too, over the last 6 or 7 months.  Just about the only thing I've consistently kept up with is crocheting.  Other than that, I've simply had a gigantic case of "I just can't be bothered" 😔     

Still, here I am trying yet again so let's see if I manage to post more than once every six months or so this time, eh 😄 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're back - I worried you might have been dealing with very serious illness(es) . I think a lot of people have caught the BLAH virus post-Covid, and I admit I find it very hard to find my mojo, let alone get enthusiastic about anything. A couple of months ago I was told to try to remember just one happy thing each day - even a pretty weed growing where it oughtn't... that has helped, mostly.

    Did you see anything that you enjoyed during the Coronation - I appreciated the gorgeous embroidered regalia, that level of skill takes my breath away. I do hope you feel better soon. XX
