Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Every little helps!

image from Clipart Library

I've managed to get some more houseplants repotted over the last couple of weeks.  Ever impatient, I'd like to get them all done and dusted ASAP, but I really do need to take every opportunity to get on in the garden that I can before the weather makes it too difficult and/or unpleasant.  As I've only got one pair of hands, I'll just have to be satisfied with perhaps getting one or two done each week ~ hopefully, though, I'll have them all sitting in nice fresh pots of compost by Christmas😏

Aspidistra are very slow-growing plants.  This one lives in a corner of our bedroom and I've had it a number of years.  It always amazes me how it seems quite content to be in such a dark area of the room!  Quite apart from the poor plant needing fresh compost, I was quite keen to repot it into something a tad less weighty.  The terracotta pot it was in is surprisingly heavy for its size 😯

I was a little taken aback when I decanted it and found such a small amount of root.  It seems happy enough, though, and does put out new leaves.

I put it in a similar-sized pot but this one, being plastic, is nowhere near as heavy!

I've had this rhipsalis for a few years, too.  It was in the living room previously but once the porch was finished, I moved it out there.

It wasn't too bad, root-wise, but it was very dry ~ oopsies!  Rhipsalis are rather brittle plants so lots of little pieces broke off during the re-potting process.  I decided in for a penny, in for a pound, and knocked off as much of the old, dry, compost that I could without causing too much destruction!

I put it into a larger pot, although it isn't a helluva lot bigger which means that it still fits in the original saucer that it was sitting in before.

Back in it's place in the porch, guarding the log pile 😄  With it being a trailing plant it looks much better in this new, taller, pot.  Rhipsalis are also slow-growing, apparently, although I wouldn't describe this one as such.

That's all the upstairs plants repotted now, along with all but one done in the porch.  It's a really good start but I do have a fair few more to get through!

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