Thursday, August 11, 2022

Taking a deep breath...

I'm rather embarrassed to admit that the borders in the kitchen garden have been severely neglected whilst we've been so busy creating the ornamental garden.

Consequently I've been dreading having to tackle sorting them out and confess that I've been putting it off.  

They have been left to their own devices for a good couple of years ~ and it shows!

Weeds are running rampant, as are the plants and shrubs ~ and I discovered this cheeky fuchsia making itself at home in a large clump of escallonia. 

Still there are things to be happy about, such as this mahonia media Charity.  It's been going from strength-to-strength since I relocated it from its previous too-sunny position...

...and Fru Dagmar Hastrup, one of my roses from David Austin, is obviously very happy in this border too despite being somewhat swamped by neighbouring plants and the dreaded weeds.

And the area around the tiny nature pool (yes, it's still in there somewhere!) is what I'm dreading tackling the most, if I'm honest.  The thought has crossed my mind to just leave it but tempting as that may be, I know that I do need to have at least a bit of a tidy-up if only to make the pool more easily accessible to the birds, etc.

It's come to the point now, though, where I can't procrastinate any longer so I've pulled up my big girl panties and made a start!  Although it's not easy to tell in this photo the path border is now tidy.  When it has finished flowering I shall move the blue globe thistle over to the border on the other side of the path (which is wider than this one) to join a couple more that are already growing there.  Being swamped by the thistle on either side are a rose, Claire Austin, and a peony that I don't know the name of.  Moving it will give them both more room to breathe and folk won't be in danger of brushing against the prickles as they walk along the path.  

The leucanthemum superbum Banana Cream has been flowering beautifully, although it's become clear that some of those pesky weeds were helping to support it 😄 Hopefully it will fill out more next year now that it isn't competing with said weeds for nutrients!

And to finish here's the little madam who so likes to use our garden as her personal toilet!  I was able to get a photo of her as she was relaxing on the creeping jenny at the back of my new hedge border.  I don't know her name but believe that she lives a few doors down the road from us.  She is only young but it seems she already has "her" territory, which our garden is part of judging by the amount of time she spends here!

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