Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bonus blanket #3

I'm not very good at just having one project on the go at a time so ~ full disclosure ~ even before I'd finished the baby blanket, my restless little butterfly brain wanted another project to work on alongside the guest bedroom blanket.  The latter is coming along nicely by the way ~ I've crocheted all the squares together in one direction and am now on the fourth row working in the opposite direction.  It's a big 'ole thing so I find it easier to sit on the sofa to work on it!

As you know, I still had lots of yarn left over from making Olive's blanket despite attempting to use it up with bonus blankets #1 and #2.  So I decided to make yet another attempt to use it up.  I thought I'd have a bit of a rummage in my stash to weed out the odd balls of yarn stuffed in there to add to the pile, too.  

This is what I ended up with😲 I've chosen to concentrate on the more autumnal shades, which are leftover from Olive's blanket, along with one of the balls of black and one of white.  I also dug out a turquoise shade which I've included in the new blanket, which for some reason isn't in the photo 😕  I haven't put the other shades back in the stash as I'm determined to get them used up as well once the latest blanket is done 😉

Most of the yarn is my go-to Stylecraft Special double knit, but there are a few oddments from other brands.  I found one ball of Patons Fab! in the bundle of black yarns which works up a little thicker and "stiffer" than the Stylecraft, despite also being an acrylic double knit.  It's not really noticeable, though, and I just wanted to use it up.  I also found a couple of thinner yarns but they are working out okay just being doubled-up.

And this is what I'm trying to use it up in: a "log cabin" patterned granny square.  It's really not the most attractive thing I've ever made but it'll do to replace my own somewhat elderly lap blanket, which has definitely seen better days ~ I certainly don't think anyone else would want it gracing their home 😄

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