Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Finally finished!

image from Clipart Library

Those oh-so-tedious ruffles are finally finished and at last there is a completed baby blanket:

I can hardly believe just how bloody long this little blanket took to make!  Well, to be fair to myself, the main body crocheted up pretty quickly as it's not a large blanket.  But those ruffles 😲 It's such a simple pattern and really shouldn't have caused me all the angst that it did, but I really did not enjoy adding those ruffles!  Still it's done now and as the baby arrived yesterday, I got it finished in time 😄

On an entirely different note, my sister found these photos that our Mum had kept ~ I thought I'd share them with you for a little giggle 😉

Dad and I outside the church

They are from my first wedding, back in June 1980; I had just turned 19 and my ex-husband was coming up to his 21st birthday.  The marriage didn't last long ~ looking back with the benefit of hindsight I can see that we just weren't right for each other.  I left in 1982 and moved in with Adrian, so we've lived together for almost 43 years now, and have been married for over 40.  I think I managed to get it right second-time-around 😊

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