Ta-daa! ~ the remaining few of my houseplant inventory for August 2020.....What's that I hear?? Surely not sighs of relief, eh 😄

Anyhoo, we're starting off in the downstairs bathroom with this kalanchoe blossfeldiana ~ aka Flaming Katy. My word she was in a bit of a state, leggy and bending in all directions. Despite her being in bloom, I decided that she really needed to be cut back and re-potted sooner rather than later. I'm glad I went ahead as she hasn't missed a beat and is looking much happier. The window is west-facing and Katy seems to really like it here. I trimmed off enough to make seven little plants, each with a small amount of root. I kept two of the larger cuttings for myself (they are now sharing a space on the coffee table with my schlumbegera) and gave the others away.

I don't know which variety this ctenanthe is but I've had it a long time. It lived in the bathroom before we had it altered, where it was away from the window. I tried it in the same position that the kalanchoe is now in but it didn't like it very much when the sun shone through the window! Now it sits on the cupboard in the utility room, where it gets indirect light, and is thriving.
The monstera obliqua "Monkey Mask" seems to have settled well in the kitchen. There are some new little buds appearing on the stems 😊
Another ctenanthe, in fact it was part of the same one in the utility room that I split way before we moved up here. This one lives on the half-landing, in the "shade" of two of the walls.
I put the anthurium back on the upstairs bathroom windowsill as it was already doing much better there than in its previous position. The "flower" has grown considerably over the last week or so!
And finally the last of my houseplant family, the aspidistra that lives in a corner of our bedroom. I think I must have used the flash function when I took this photo as the area seems somewhat brighter than it actually is. It's a slow-growing plant that sits quietly in the corner exuding an air of calmness and tranquillity ~ one of my favourites, if I'm honest 😊
So there we are, that's all my houseplants now photographed and recorded: 9 in the dining room, 12 in the living room, and 6 elsewhere in the house, making a grand total of 27 altogether. Oh, I tell a lie ~ I've also got two out in my craft room! I guess 29 plants sort of sounds like a lot but compared to some folk in the couple of Facebook houseplant groups I'm in, it's a mere drop in the ocean LOL
Before we leave my houseplant world for the time being, I thought I'd share with you my go-to houseplant books. I have a few other books on houseplants too, but these three are my favourites and the ones I refer to the most 😊
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