Monday, August 24, 2020

Houseplant inventory August 2020: Dining room

Well, I threatened promised on Saturday that I would share photos of my newly re-potted houseplants and so here they are ~ the ones who currently reside in the dining room, at any rate!

Monstera deliciosa is looking happier now that it's in a more shady position.  I know that the pot seems rather large for the plant but it was the best size I could find amongst my collection.  To be fair, although I did trim away quite a lot of the leaves the roots are still the same size, so the plant fits in the pot quite nicely bearing in mind that I also had to fit in the coir "moss" pole 

I really thought I'd finished off this poor pothos but luckily it recovered after a good drink.  I originally had it on the windowsill but I think it was much too sunny there.  I moved it further back into the dining room after re-potting and hopefully it will prefer living in a much lower light level.  I've managed to lose the label but I'm pretty sure it's epipremnum aureum N'Joy

I find it really difficult to get even an half-decent photo of my windowsills ~ there's probably a trick to it but sadly I don't know what it is 😃

I love this variegated rubber plant!  It produces new leaves in quick succession, and I love how the new growth starts off pink.  I'm letting it grow straight up for a while yet, then I will cut the top out to encourage it to be more bushy.  Hopefully I will be able to root the cutting and make a companion to this one 😊  It's another of my "lost label" plants but I believe it is ficus elastica Tineke

Alworthia Black Gem had been living on our bedroom windowsill.  After re-potting I decided to put it here in the dining room, not least because it's new pot won't fit on the bedroom windowsill!  It is producing "pups" and I did originally plan on removing them next year.  However, I've now decided leave the plant be until it starts to look overcrowded in the pot.

Another not-very-good photo I'm afraid but it's just about clear enough to make out the new growth on my euphorbia Madagascar Jewel.  I can't tell you how pleased I am that despite all my shameful neglect, the little plant has survived!

Another plant in the "lost label" club ~ all I know is that it's a sanseveria.  It does look very much like the one in the next photo, although I don't know why I would have bought two of the same variety. 

Sanseveria mini also used to live on our bedroom windowsill.  It will be interesting to see if it and the one in the photo above continue to look the same as they grow.

There are lots of really nice crassula and this one, crassula ovata variegata, is very pretty.

And finally here we are back with the mystery crassula, which I think may be Ripple Jade.

I'm beginning to realise that I actually have rather more houseplants than I thought, nine here in the dining room alone ~ it's amazing how easy it can be to underestimate the size of a collection 😉