Saturday, April 13, 2019

Let the catch-up begin!

My word, I have a lot of catching-up to share with you ~ I hope you are ready for the onslaught!

The back garden was a higgledy-piggledy mess, and in places was downright dangerous.  We have had such a lot of work done out there since we moved in, which has dented the budget considerably.  We uncovered a few problems whilst having what we thought were going to be simple straightforward "just-for-now" alterations ~ ain't that always the way, eh!  To be honest, we weren't planning on having this work done for a few years yet but one thing just led to another, and before we knew it, there we were with a new garden lay-out!  This is just a taster of what's been going on here in the garden of St Abbs 😊  

One of the first hurdles was that the back garden was not Matty-proof.  He could easily get out as it wasn't enclosed, so that really was top of the list to rectify.

I've not actually been very good at keeping up with the photo-taking.  These pictures are from last year, when Vernon and Mark built a wall across what had been the access into the old shed from our shared driveway.  Our garden slopes both from back to front and from one side to the other, so there are lots of different levels out there and it's really quite steep in places.

The guys had a lot of work to do, building what is in effect a dry-stone wall.  They had to cut down about half a dozen more trees, thankfully not huge things like those in the front garden.  I don't really like to cut down trees but like the old hedge in the front garden they hadn't been looked after.

The back garden has been in a terrible mess for what seems like forever, but little did we know that it would get a helluva lot worse before it got better!  More on that in later posts!

You can see that there was also an open space at the end of the path from the back door.  This pallet was our gate for quite some time!

Vernon and Mark did their best to try to blend our new wall in with the old walls.

For some reason, this is the last photo I took of the WIP, but you can see how it was shaping up.  It was a relief to know that the back garden was now Matty-proof.....for the time being, at least!  

I do have more photos to share.....lots more have been warned LOL

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