Yet again, my photo records have been extremely lax so I'm afraid you will just have to use your imaginations to picture the stages involved in getting.....
from here.....
to here.....
and finally arriving here! As you can see, the new craft shed and store is a pretty substantial outbuilding. It seemed to take forever, what with one thing and another, but George and Chris got there in the end. It's fully insulated and has electricity to both rooms. The windows and doors are double-glazed units which were unused by a local double-glazing company ~ presumably a customer changed their mind! The roof will be fibreglassed when the temperature is consistently above 10°C, so it should be done soon hopefully.

Side view of the craft shed-end. It's nice to have a couple of windows letting in lots of light.
The rear is far enough away from the boundary wall to comfortably walk along the chipped pathway.
Side view at the store room-end. Chris built a log store and roofed it with some of the Welsh slate tiles leftover from St Abbs' roof. There is a length of guttering to be fixed in place yet, which will drain into a water-butt placed on the slab at the side.
You can get a hint of all the hard landscaping that's been done out here in the back garden from these pictures, but I will share more detailed photos in another post. It's so nice to finally have my own craft shed again, and even better that this one is large enough to display some of my dolls' houses as well as work out here. I am anticipating many happy hours of crafting, accompanied by loud music, in the years to come!
I have just about finished setting everything out inside now, too, so will be sharing yet more photos soon 😊
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