Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Time to relax?

image from Clipart Library

Well, not exactly "relax" perhaps ~ we all know there's no rest for the wicked, after all 😉

As you may recall, I was working my way round the side and front wall hedge borders on the ornamental side of the front garden last week, and in my last "show-and-tell" post I had about half of the front wall section left to tackle.  This was the area I was dreading the most to be honest, as I could see just how full of crud it was *sigh*

There was the usual mix of weeds, including the devil dandelions of course, and dead bluebell stems, but by far the worst were the weeds that are known in our house as "those bloody horrible sticky weeds" 😏 I believe they are actually called Cleavers and the RHS describe them as "wildflowers" ~ which I suppose all weeds are, to be fair 😄 I've no idea how the stuff got into the garden in the first place, and it seems to be mostly confined to this small section of this particular border.  Of course, like the premature ejaculating weed in the asparagus bed, by the time I got to removing the cleavers they had dried out and the seeds were dropping all over the place!  I scooped up as much as I could, and pulled off the ones that had attached themselves to my gloves and clothes, but no doubt they will be back in force again in the spring 😒 

It took me all morning but I was determined to get the job finished ~ and finish I did 😌

I'm so pleased to get these two borders weeded and tidied up before winter ~ hopefully it will be easier to keep on top of it next year.  Of course now the inner border looks even worse, so I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst with regards to actually getting round to sorting it out this year 😏

Something else that cheered me up last week was being able to harvest some of those very unpromising-looking French beans.  There was barely enough for one person, let alone the two of us, but I'm amazed that we've been able to pick any beans at all to be honest!  I haven't pulled any of the carrots yet and the celery is still doing it's thing, but who knows, perhaps there'll be a small harvest from them too 😊

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