Monday, June 24, 2024

A new saga

Despite my lack of posts, there was still plenty going on here at the 'ole homestead!  We were reaching something of a crisis point with the porch, and came to the conclusion that we would have to have something done with the bloody thing before it fell down 😒 By the way, ignore the 2024 watermark on these photos; they were actually taken in December 2022 (!) and have been languishing on my computer since then 😏

It was rotting at an alarming rate and to try to give us a bit more time, Shug fitted some plastic sills to temporarily stem the tide.

The porch entrance was from the side, I expect to shelter the doorway from the weather somewhat.

As you can see, the side windows were simply panes of thin greenhouse-type glass.

At some point in its life, the porch had a second doorway ~ we have no idea when it ceased to be used 😕

 It's a very large "porch" and looked just like what we suspected it actually was: a glorified greenhouse plonked onto the front of the house.  I'm sure that St Abbs was much more attractive before it was added.

Tomorrow I shall treat you to all the photos I took of the inside, so prepare yourselves for even more yuckiness 😉

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