I admit that I've been procrastinating but I finally pulled up my big girl panties and used my
anniversary gift from Adrian ~ the oscillating multi tool. I've been putting it off because using power tools is all very new to me and to be honest I was feeling a tad scared 😮 But needs must as I really wanted to get the base of the upper house trimmed. It's only a few centimetres bigger all round than the top of the basement so I wanted to bring it as close as possible to those dimensions.

The first job was to trim off the front edge which as you can see in the photo above extends beyond the front of the house, either side of where the original entrance door was positioned. As luck would have it, simply trimming in a straight line brought the whole of that edge level, and doesn't affect the opening front panels. The upper house now sits level with the top of the basement. The top of the basement overhung its own walls in any event and I'm still undecided whether I like how that looks or not. If I decide it doesn't look quite right I will just add some simple moulding all round to soften the transition.

I was quite nervous when I began cutting but I took it very slowly, starting with the lowest power level.

After I had trimmed the left-hand side, I felt a little more confident to move up to power level number 2 😄 The base of the upper house now sits level with the top of the basement at the front. It does still extend a couple of centimetres or so at the back but I've decided to leave that be. I think I may well be able to absorb that overhang with the plans I have in mind for the whole of the back of the house.
The upper house base also extends about a centimetre either side of the basement top so I decided to be brave and trim the side edges, too 😧
Once again luck was on my side as it just so happened that the side walls of the upper house fit in grooves on the base. Trimming off a centimetre from the very edge doesn't affect the sides from still sitting in the grooves, although I shall have to glue them in very securely when I rebuild the house.
I clamped the base to my bench to do all the cutting and was able to keep it held pretty firmly. I know I haven't done a perfect job by any means, but I am still happy with the end result. Ultimately the whole of the house will be "clad" with textured wallpaper to represent harling (roughcast render), similar to how our real-life house is finished, which will hopefully cover up a multitude of sins 😉
I've been very sensible, by the way, and have equipped myself with appropriate dust masks. They are probably the most uncomfortable masks I've ever worn but better safe than sorry, eh? Dust from MDF is horrible stuff and I definitely don't want to be breathing it in ~ I also vacuumed as soon as I'd trimmed each edge before moving on to the next section. I look quite a fright, I know 😏
I had a rummage in the dolls' house garden stash and found a bench for the lads to sit on ~ they were very happy to relax and watch me, offering lots of "helpful advice" as I'm sure you can imagine 😄
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