Monday, November 23, 2020

It's an ill wind...

...but it did us some good!  The bad weather I mentioned in my previous post turned out to be a tad unfortunate for our neighbour ~ well, to be more precise, for one of her willow trees actually.  The gales split one of the branches but she was able to deal with it herself.

The upshot of the poor tree's misfortune is that we now have the wood in our log-store, and hopefully it will be well seasoned by the time autumn/winter 2021 comes along. 

I managed to get the blackcurrant cuttings moved into the fruit cage before the recent spell of bad weather.  I hummed and hawed over whether to plant them out or leave them in their pots over winter, but in the end decided they would be better off planted out.  I'm pretty sure that I've planted them way too close together, but my reasoning was that as our garden is rather exposed they might be better closer together.  I shall see how it goes and if they start to look unhappy then I will thin them out.

The two redcurrant cuttings are still in their pots, tucked between the two compost-bins in the back garden, along with an additional blackcurrant.  The redcurrants will go in with the three fruit trees when they arrive.  As for the lonesome blackcurrant, I may well plant it in the ornamental side of the front garden for our feathered friends to munch on 😊 

Whilst the fruit trees haven't arrived yet, the bare-root strawberry plants have so they went straight into their new raised bed home.  They are a variety called Fenella which I ordered from Pomona Fruits back at the end of July.  I do hope they do well ~ you really can't beat the taste of freshly picked British strawberries 😋

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