Thursday, November 12, 2020

Autumn beauty

We get lots of sparrows and starlings visiting our garden and we often find ourselves whiling away a few minutes watching them from the house.  They tend to come down mob-handed and I find it difficult to take half-decent photos as I'm usually taking them through the dining room window, and the sparrows in particular move about so quickly!

I'm sure that all the weeds wildflowers have told you that this is the ornamental side of the front garden 😄  I'm not really complaining too much about the wildflower-takeover at the moment, as it's obviously benefitting the birds judging by how much poking about they seem to do out there!  I shall have to do some careful planning on what to plant when we come to sort the area out, hopefully next year.  I want to be able to strike a happy balance between what's good for the birds and the ornamental plants I like ~ plenty of research ahead, methinks 😉 

I've been so busy doing other things that I haven't inspected the kitchen garden borders for a couple of weeks or so.  Most of the plants are now tucking themselves up for winter but there are still some blooms hanging on, like on the escalonia.

Isn't the foliage on this rosa rugosa alba gorgeous!  It's one of the new roses that I planted as a bare root earlier this year.  All the roses have settled in really well over these past few months; fingers crossed that they get through winter unscathed!  

The last of the blooms on A Shropshire Lad.  The flowers are usually a very pretty peachy-pink shade, but as you can see these last few blooms of the season have faded out to cream.  Even so, they are still very beautiful and a welcome sight on a dreary autumn day.

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