Thursday, October 22, 2020

Houseplant inventory: October 2020

Now don't you all be panicking, thinking "omg, she's going to show us all of those poor houseplants again" ~ you'll be pleased to hear that it's just a handful this time 😉  Apologies in advance for the picture quality, by the way ~ I'm afraid my photographic skills are definitely not improving!

I didn't actually show you this spider plant (chlorophytum comosum) previously.  It usually lives out in my craft room where it has been growing quite happily.  But now that the nights are getting colder I thought it best to bring it into the house for the winter. 

I didn't really have anywhere suitable for a trailing plant elsewhere in the house, so decided the top of the freezer would be the best place for it.  It's been merrily producing lots of babies...

...and sweet little white flowers, too.

I removed and potted up a handful of the spider plant babies.  These are living on the half-landing windowsill and I have a very small one on the kitchen windowsill that I didn't photograph.  

The monstera has settled well into its new living space.  It's sent out a couple of new leaves and has aerial roots growing again.

The quality of this photo is just awful but I wanted to show you how the anthurium is thriving since being re-potted and trimmed...

...and look at how much the spathe has grown!  I'm hoping it will eventually send out more 😊

This plant has also been living in my craft room.  I'm not sure what it is, to be honest, and at one point I thought I'd killed it off.  Some of the leaves are still somewhat sickly-looking but it does have some nice green ones too.  It doesn't seem to be keen on too much sun but hopefully it will be happy here in the utility room.  If it grows well over the coming months I will leave it here rather than taking it back out to the craft room next spring.

The ctenanthe really likes this spot in the utility room.  Perhaps it will encourage the little mystery plant to thrive, too.

And finally, the monstera obliqua "Monkey Mask" in the kitchen is doing really well ~ just look at all those lovely little shoots and leaves!  It's obviously very happy in this spot beside the freezer and now has the spider plant up above it for company 😊

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