Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A dreich day

It's wet, chilly and grey.....and sadly, no view of the sea today.  Still, on a day like this there are no feelings of guilt for not getting out in the garden 😉  I've got things I could pootle about doing in the house but here I am, surfing the web instead LOL  Oh well, it's good to have some slow days mixed in with the busy, busy ones! 

 Our boy is back home where he belongs, too.  Beverly picked up Matty's ashes for us from the Northvet surgery in Kirkwall, as the Stromness surgery was closed for a few weeks during lockdown.  Amber and Nikki's ashes are both in little wooden caskets but I think this pottery container is much nicer.  All three are now in a cupboard in our bedroom and the plan is that whichever one of us pops our clogs first, the dogs' ashes will go in our (joint) plot at the same time.  Might all sound a bit morbid to some folk, I guess, but Adrian and I have always been open about our wishes for when the end comes.  Hopefully, though, we both have a good few more years left on the clock 😉  

1 comment:

  1. I have a similar but smaller pot for my dear barn cat, Charlie. He hated being indoors so I scattered his ashes over his favourite hunting ground and have kept the pot on the dresser to remember him by. I feel it is right that we honour all our companions! xx
