Saturday, October 31, 2020
Fruit cage ✔
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Stash-busting and gifts
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Tired of thinking about it
Sunday, October 25, 2020
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(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)
Saturday, October 24, 2020
The a-z of me!
Just a bit of fun on a Saturday afternoon!
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scary photo, eh! |
A ~ Age: 59
Z ~ Zoo animal: lots of animals in zoos, sadly, but of them all I do have a soft spot for orangutans
Friday, October 23, 2020
Still hush-hush
I'm 59 and have gone through the menopause but I still vividly remember my first period. It was not a happy occasion, not least because I had only just turned 11, was still at junior school, and was the only girl who had started to menstruate. To be fair I didn't have a negative experience so far as the school was concerned and my class teacher was very nice about it, but I still felt different to my friends.....and I cried. To be honest, I wasn't ready for what is after all a life-changing event for we females of the species; I was still a child and didn't want to be dragged into womanhood. My friends and I still played with our dolls and despite having had sex education lessons at school, I don't believe any of us really related what we had been taught to ourselves. I don't recall any talk of loving relationships between adults, the lessons only covered the mechanics of procreation; in our minds sex was something that grown-ups did in order to have children, it didn't interest us in the slightest.
And then when that day of my first ever period dawned, my Mum gave me "the talk".....which simply consisted of these words of wisdom: "you must be careful with boys now". That was it, the sum total of any sex education I had from either of my parents, so I suppose it was just as well that we did have those lessons at school. Perhaps back in the day that's what the parents of my generation did, simply left it to the school to tell their kids about the birds and the bees.
Adrian and I always tried to be open with Sam and Beverly; I can still remember, when they were only very young, explaining about sex and loving relationships between mummies and daddies. This arose from the fact that my sister had just had her dog neutered, and in trying to explain about that it just seemed to lead naturally into a full-blown sex education lesson tailored for the understanding of rather little children. I admit that I did feel a tad awkward, not least because the whole episode occurred whilst we were in the garden on a lovely sunny day. It seemed that one minute our neighbours were busy moving their lawns, and the next everyone had gone quiet ~ it felt like they were all listening in although I'm sure that no one actually was at all 😃
It probably did Sam good to have grown up with a sister and a mother neither of whom ever hid their periods from him. He's witnessed plenty of female hormonal "stuff" over the years, so at least none of that will have come as a shock in any of his relationships. I'm pretty sure, though, that there are still young men and boys who haven't got the faintest idea of what goes on in a woman's body ~ nor, perhaps, even why, despite the sex education they will have had. And I am equally certain that there are still many people, both men and women, who view menstruation as something to be feared...something "unclean"...something gross that should be kept hidden and never discussed.
I truly feel that menstruation should be something that is celebrated! Isn't it really rather wonderful that women's bodies are the most amazing creations? Our wombs can prepare to grow and nurture a new life every single month! Oh by the way, before anyone says anything, I am well aware of how painful/heavy/debilitating periods can be; I've had my fair share of menstrual difficulties but that is a tale for another day.
And despite those difficulties, I still believe that we should take time to give ourselves a little hug, gently caress our tummies and say a little "thank you" to our beautiful bodies for what for what they are capable of doing 💖
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Houseplant inventory: October 2020
Now don't you all be panicking, thinking "omg, she's going to show us all of those poor houseplants again" ~ you'll be pleased to hear that it's just a handful this time 😉 Apologies in advance for the picture quality, by the way ~ I'm afraid my photographic skills are definitely not improving!
And finally, the monstera obliqua "Monkey Mask" in the kitchen is doing really well ~ just look at all those lovely little shoots and leaves! It's obviously very happy in this spot beside the freezer and now has the spider plant up above it for company 😊
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
A Monthly Make 2021
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
A dreich day
Monday, October 19, 2020
Making gifts
Sunday, October 18, 2020
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Father, Mother, God,
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Definitely autumnal...
...and yet there is still beauty to be seen in the garden borders. Some folk find autumn to be a rather sad season, where the voluptuous bounty of summer rapidly fades away, but really it's just the garden taking off it's clothes and pulling on it's pyjamas ready for the long refreshing sleep of winter. And before we know it spring will be here once more, and we can renew our friendships with all of our beloved plants 😊
Friday, October 16, 2020
On the home stretch
And finally, I thought you might like to see a photograph of our neighbour's cat who plainly thinks that our garden is his judging by the amount of time he spends out there! I can't actually remember what his name is but it's General somebody or other, named after a character in a book apparently. I have to say that thus far he hasn't proved to be a very friendly cat, in fact he has been known to hiss if he thinks we are getting too close ~ I took this photo from the porch! ~ which is a tad rude considering this is our flippin garden LOL