Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Busy busy busy!

Gosh, Adrian and I are busy bees at the moment!  We have had yet another big clear-out, this time in the dining room, as our handy-dandy handyman Steve started decorating in there this week.  It hasn't been so difficult with the furniture as it was when the living room was decorated as there isn't so much of it 😉  At the moment the china cabinet is in residence in the living room and the sideboard is in the hall!

We decided that we would donate the dining table and chairs (they went to the Sue Ryder charity's furniture store) and replace them with a smaller set.  It was a nice pine table and chairs but really was too large for the room and boy was it heavy 😮  Our neighbour has a 4' diameter round dining table which extends to an oval when extra seating space is needed, and it fits really nicely into her dining room.  She has virtually the same amount and size of other furniture in there that we have, so we will be buying the same size for our dining room in due course.

Whilst Steve is busy decorating, we are equally as busy clearing out the lean-to.  It's become a terrible dumping-ground for all and sundry these last few years, and has turned out to be a rather mammoth exercise!  I keep all my spare cleaning, etc, supplies in there and have been horrified at how much I have accumulated ~ there were four unopened bottles of surface cleaner along with six or seven more that have been started on to one degree or another 😲  Plus I found numerous multiples of other things like window-cleaner, oven cleaner, etc, etc ~ I think it's safe to say that I won't be needing anymore cleaning supplies for quite some time to come!  We haven't finished out there yet but are making good progress.  There is one thing I think I will have to do fairly soon, though, and that is to crochet myself a few more dishcloths.....once I've sorted through my humungous yarn stash and found the cotton double-knit that is LOL
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