Saturday, April 1, 2017

A new chapter


The day finally dawned: Adrian retired yesterday!  Neither of us can quite believe how quickly it has actually come around!

I made a couple of cakes for Adrian to take into work.  This is a citrus drizzle loaf...

...and this is a good 'ole Victoria sandwich cake.  It's been a very long time since I did any common or garden baking  and I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it.  (I'm not counting the cake I made for my Dad's 80th birthday last August as that was pretty stressful LOL)  Perhaps I will make the effort to do more.

So, I guess both Adrian and I will have a period of adjustment to make ~ he to no longer having to go out to work every day, and me to no longer having the house to myself every day!  Hopefully we'll soon work things out and won't get under each other's feet too much 😉
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  1. I'll bet everyone loved the cakes.
    A whole new life, it's almost like starting over, isn't it? I cannot imagine it.
    Are you talking about traveling, gardening, golfing or ? There are so many things you can do together, the world's your oyster. Congratulations to Adrian (and you)!

  2. Thank you Sharon! We are getting the house sorted out and decorated ~ hoping to move up to Orkney early next year :)
