Friday, March 3, 2017

Still here...

No, I haven't been abducted by aliens nor fallen off the face of the earth ~ I am still here, even though I have been quiet for the last few months.  It's been a difficult time for me as I've been very low but finally, thank goodness, I seem to be on the way back up once more.  I seriously considered just shutting the blog down altogether as I couldn't put my mind to posting anything, but I am glad that I didn't actually get round to doing it 😊

Since this post way back in September, things have moved on here at a faster pace than I had anticipated at that time: Adrian is now actually retiring at the end of the month.  Yes, I do mean the end of March 2017!  I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by the scale of all that needed to be done when I wrote that earlier post but once the decision was made that Adrian would be retiring a year earlier, I just seemed to go into a meltdown and it's been difficult to climb back up the the land of reason and commonsense. Still, I think I have got more of a grip on the situation now ~ at any rate, I am feeling a whole lot better in myself, mentally at least!

Physically it's rather different, unfortunately, as I have been struggling with a horrible rash.  My GP thinks I have had an allergic reaction to something but the steroids and antihistamines she prescribed haven't made much difference: I am as itchy, spotty and dry-patchy as ever!  She sent me for a blood test which apparently didn't really show anything too abnormal, although it appears that I am currently on the borderline of underactive thyroid and prediabetes.  So, she is referring me to the dermatology clinic.  Goodness knows when I shall get an appointment, though.

I do get flare-ups of eczema on my hands from time-to-time, and I've been wondering if this skin condition is another flare-up but on a larger scale.  I've been doing some online research and I certainly seem to have the symptoms of eczema.  Rather than being on my hands, as it normally is, this time it's affecting a large part of my torso, legs and arms instead.

I think that there could be a few possible triggers for this outbreak.  We have had our living room decorated and the itching started soon after the woodwork had been painted with oil-based gloss paint.  Prior to the painting, Steve (our handy-dandy handyman and all-round jolly good chap!) had to fill in lots of holes in the walls, and consequently there was a huge sanding-down operation afterwards.  He did his best to contain the dust but it still escaped, causing me a humungous bout of sneezing and nose-blowing for a couple of days or more.  I have also recently developed something of a passion for peanut M&Ms ~ which are basically legumes covered in sugar, so a couple more trigger-points methinks!  Combine all that with the wheat "addiction" I've had for years and I rather think I can see where this eczema outbreak has its origins!

So whilst I'm waiting for the hospital appointment, I've decided to try some non-medical options to see if I can find some relief.  I found an artical online about a company called Pure Potions, who make dry skin products which are especially suitable for folk who have eczema.  I've ordered three items from their Skin Salvation range: Bath & Body Oil, Daily Moisturising Cream and Intensive Moisturising Ointment.  I am also going to overhaul my diet.  I think I need to just bite the bullet and try to totally eliminate wheat altogether, and sugar as much as possible.  Neither will be particularly easy, I'm sure, but if it helps clear up this horrible skin condition then it will be well worth the effort!

Now that I've given you my latest tales of woe, methinks I ought to toddle orf for now LOL  I'll keep you up-to-date with how things go, though 😉 

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1 comment:

  1. How nice to have you back!
    Oh! Eczema, I have had it most of my life. I don't have it so much now, as I've learned my triggers. I suppose everyone has different ones. Mine were mainly nerves. I had a difficult childhood after I was 7 and I broke out in the crooks of my arms and knees, also my neck and chest. It would spread when situations got worse. I was highly sensitive of plaster [My dad cast figurines] and I still am when we work on the house. Large portions of my skin are full of scar tissue instead of the norm. My main food triggers were fish, citrus, tomatoes and chocolate. I eat it all now that I'm old and it doesn't seem to bother me as long as I stay mellow. HaHa.
    Wishing you the best!
