Monday, March 6, 2017

And then there was one...

Little Martha passed away during Friday night.  Although she was still eating, even on Friday, she had been looking much more frail for a few months.  She was 9 on the 1st January, so although I am sad that she has gone, she did have a good long life. 

So now we just have Abigail, who was also a 1st January hatchling; she is now 10 years old and was still laying the occasional egg last year!  She looks very well at the moment and seems to be a good weight, but you never know with chickens.  I've found that they can be okay one day and dead the next!  She had to suffer the indignity of me removing balls of dried mud from her claws on Saturday.  She wasn't very impressed at all but as I pointed out to her, if she had been bothered to clean her own toes then I wouldn't have had to swaddle her in a towel, lay her on my lap and soak her feet to get the flippin mud balls off  LOL

So my weekend consisted of chicken burials and chicken pedicures ~ I hope your's was more fun than mine!  
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1 comment:

  1. R.I.P. Little Martha. That's just sad, I'm sorry. Abigail is a pretty hen, too. You've been lucky to have them live so long. Bummer weekend ...
