Monday, January 27, 2025

The joy of books

image from Clipart Library

Back in the day I was a voracious reader of fiction, but when I had the kids I sort of got out of the habit.  I would have the odd bout of reading, but the habit has never really returned like it was when I was young and for a long time I just couldn't be bothered to even pick a book to read.  A bit ironic, then, that my Kindle has 485 titles on it 😳  It's not entirely filled with fiction but I soon discovered that, for me, craft books are nowhere near as easy to use in a digital format as they are in a hard/softback edition!  I haven't purchased everything that's on there, I hasten to add ~ some were free downloads and a lot were very cheap, with some as little as 99p.

During the latter half of last year, though, I rediscovered my love of reading fiction and that enjoyment has stayed with me.  I've always been a fast reader so I got through quite a few books in those last few months of 2024, but it's still only made a little dent in my collection 😄  I did have a brief hiatus during the second half of December as there was lots to do to get the house half-decent for the family coming up and I found myself a wee bit too tired to concentrate on reading to be honest, but I got my nose stuck back into the 'ole Kindle after they went home.

I follow a few bloggers and had noticed that a number share what books they have been reading.  Every time I come across the latest book-sharing it always strikes me as a lovely idea, not least because it perhaps brings to the blog readers' attention books they might not have come across before.  When I got back into the familiar routine of reading fiction last year, it crossed my mind that I could share with you what I currently had my nose stuck into ~ of course, as you might have guessed my lovelies, I kept forgetting to do any such thing 😏

  Today, though, I was reading Ann's blog ~ Polyester Princess ~ and her post gave me a reminder to finally get myself organised!  I have now set up a page (in the list running across the top just below the blog header) to catalogue the books that I read during 2025.  It will just be a book list, although I may post occasionally about a book that I've particularly enjoyed ~ or not, as the case may be 😉

As you can see I've managed to read four books this month, although Another Man's Poison was started in December.  The three Ann Cleeves books are all on my Kindle, with the Ashley Weaver being a book that Adrian picked up when he was in the library recently as he thought I might enjoy it ~ it was okay but not as enjoyable as I thought it might be.  I'm about to start on what I think is the last in the George and Molly Palmer-Jones series, High Island Blues, on my Kindle then I shall move onto some "real" books I splurged on with Christmas money:

 Excuse the photo quality ~ I took them in the evening, and the plastic wrapping didn't help either!  I wouldn't normally buy "real" books as I don't have a lot of shelf space, but these were too tempting as they were considerably reduced 😄

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