When I last posted photos of my progress in the craft room it was, admittedly, pretty hard to see what had actually been done in there 😏 I was finding it very frustrating, to be honest, as it seemed that no sooner had I cleared a surface than it was covered in stuff again! Then suddenly I was clearing a surface ~ and it was finally staying clear 👏

In our previous home this desk was used for our computer, up in the smallest bedroom. When we moved here, though, the only place we could put the computer was out in the hallway and this desk was just too wide for the space. I was able to fit it in my craft room quite nicely, though. It's now what I think of as my "clean" work area ~ no dolls' house construction/deconstruction on that lovely pine desk top 😉 Having said that, though, I'll be happy to do other "messy" crafts on the desk as I have quite a supply of puppy pads, that I kept when Matty passed away, that I can use to protect the surface. It's now back to being the ideal space to write down all my ideas and plans for working on the dolls' houses, not least because when I lift my head to do a spot of thinking I have a lovely, albeit distant, view of the Orphir hills 😊
The table to the right of the desk used to be on the other side of the room and was where I had clamped my scroll saw, although it wasn't as stable as I would have liked. It fitted in this corner perfectly, though, and has made very good use of the space as two-tier storage. The space beneath the table is now being used for a few things that were a bit large to fit elsewhere, along with my little vacuum cleaner.
The crate and box currently on top won't be there forever. They contain bits and pieces for Augusta Lodge which will, obviously, be used as the build progresses. I do have some "permanent" storage beneath the wall sockets, which I've rearranged slightly since I took this photo. I've now got my collection of buttons there, along with the jar of vintage sewing threads, which used to be on the bookcase near the door. Moving them has freed up some more shelf space for my craft books, which I desperately needed!
When the crate and box have finally been emptied out, I shall leave the space bare ready for the next build. It's really useful to have space to keep my working pieces close to the project currently being worked on.
The work tables are now all set up, too. As you can see, I moved the crate of wood strips up from the floor so that I could put my heater there instead. I decided to use this slightly smaller table to store my tools so that they are all close to hand and easily seen.
The larger table is where I will be doing all my dolls' house construction/kit-bashing. The pieces of MDF beneath the table are all connected to Augusta Lodge, so won't be languishing there forever 😉 Ooopsies, look at all those bits on the floor ~ I must vacuum when I've finished sorting and tidying!

You may recall that I have a tall set of white plastic storage drawers opposite the work tables. I sorted through them last year, filling them mainly with small dolls' house-related items. The drawers were absolutely stuffed, mainly I think because all the bits and pieces were in little plastic bags. I came across this set of clear plastic storage drawers in a pile of stuff that I was sorting through. It is actually supposed to be for storing washi tapes, but I bought it earlier this year as it seemed perfect to store little things in. I decided to use it for all the little dolls' house ornaments ~ and other bits and pieces that could be used as ornaments ~ that I've gathered together over the years.
I have quite a collection, as you can see! I've since squeezed in a few more pieces that have come to light during my sorting out exercises.
The things in the rear section of this drawer are more hobbies and pastimes, rather than ornaments. I've got a few things in this drawer in particular that weren't specifically dolls' house items, but they are small enough to be used in that way.
I wasn't sure if I would fit everything in it, to be honest, but once the pieces were out of their little bags they slotted in very nicely.
It now sits on the white plastic drawers, the perfect place for me to "shop from my stash" for those little finishing touches as I complete each of my dolls' house builds 😊