You have probably long since realised that I spend quite a lot of time just browsing the internet ~ there is an infinite amount of lovely stuff available out there for plenty of serious online eye-feasting! I have so many images tucked away in various folders in my documents that every so often I have to have a serious cull! I find so much to look at that I thought it would be nice to share some of it with you, so I've decided to do just that 😉
All sorts of things catch my eye ~ crochet (naturally!), dolls' house ideas (obviously!), blue and white china (of course!), pretty rooms, garden ideas, all-kinds-of-people for all-kinds-of-reasons, ideas for things to make (you have no idea how many of those I have tucked away!), scrumptious-sounding recipes, "green" ideas and recycling.....the list goes on and on and on! The title of my blog rather gives the game away, doesn't it ~ I have the proverbial butterfly mind 😉 I don't suppose I shall post things every day.....but on the other hand, some weeks I may do just that LOL I will try my best to add the link back to the original source, but with some of the images I come across on Pinterest that can be surprisingly difficult!
So, in no particular order, here are a few images that have caught my eye recently:
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