We always follow much the same route when we take Matty out for his evening constitutional: turn right out the garden gate, amble down our road, turn left at the war memorial, amble back up the road running parallel with ours, another left turn to cut through between the houses and arrive back in our garden 😏 Sounds like it must be pretty boring, I know, but there is always something new to see, or someone to say hello to, and of course Matty never runs out of things to sniff!
Just a man and a dog ~ my man and our dog 😊
On the grassed area by the war memorial are a few trees and this one always catches my eye when we take Matty out. After six months living here, I finally remembered to take my camera out with me to take some photos!
There are lots of patches of lichen and moss all over the tree's trunk.....
.....it looks so pretty, a patchwork of different colours and shapes. I think of it as "the lichen tree".
It's not that easy to get a good photo of the war memorial as to get it all in the photo, you have to step back from it and then you are lower down! Would be much easier to take a photo from the back, of course, but then you would be looking at the rear of the statue on top.
We walked past these chaps for quite a few weeks, up 'til Thursday.
They were such curious creatures, especially if they saw a dog. Matty was rather nervous of them, so we didn't take him near the fence!
They were curious about humans, too, and would sniff my hand ~ then try to lick it!
The field was empty when we went by on Thursday, so I guess the guys have now gone off to market.
Just a gull, sitting on it's lamppost 😏
A little edit to this post: the bullocks are still around after all! We spotted them last night, in the next field back ~ no idea why we hadn't noticed them before LOL