Sunday, March 11, 2018

Doing nothing...

Well, perhaps today I won't be doing anything much but I was a busy girl yesterday LOL 

I'm still plugging away at the arbour seat ~ my word, it doesn't look very big but there seems to be an awfully large expanse of wood to stain when I'm actually working on the thing!  I can't do a large amount in one go as it makes my back ache too much, but the back and underside have now had two coats and the sides one coat each.  I'm thinking that perhaps it would be a good "belts and braces" exercise to give the whole structure three coats of stain.  Once Vernon has fixed it in place for me, it won't be very easy to get to the back, but hopefully the shrubs in our neighbour's garden will help to protect it a little from the Orkney weather!  It's been laying face-down on the front lawn since we got here, so the inside is pretty damp at the moment.  It did start to dry out when Adrian and I turned the arbour on its side, so hopefully it won't take too long to dry out properly.  I will probably wait until it is fixed in its new position before staining the inside. 

It doesn't really take much concentration to do the staining, so my mind was having a very pleasant wander around the planting possibilities in the front garden.  It helped that I was actually out there and could start to visualise what I want to do. I do so love planting up my garden ~ it was a shame that I didn't really get to reap the rewards of the work I put into the garden of our old house.  Still, this time I will be able to plan, plant and watch the garden here at St Abbs grow and develop 😍

I'm going to start the mammoth altering-and-planting exercise along the left-hand side, as you look at the house from the road.  The weather is starting to get a little warmer already, and the days are drawing out, so the weeds will soon start to colonise all that now-open soil ~ I suspect that the old overgrown hedge kept them in check somewhat!  I had a lovely time yesterday, engrossed in a website that specialises in plants for shade, and have placed an order.  I am now waiting excitedly for said plants to arrive LOL

I'm going to have a lazy day today, though ~ Beverly is on her way over to cook dinner for Mother's Day.  This will be the first Mother's Day we've had together since she moved up here, so it will be a special day for us ~ I hope you all have a super Sunday, too 😊

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day to you! Our MD is in May.
    After all the work you've done, you deserve a lazy day!
