Thursday, June 22, 2017

A diagnosis at last

You may recall that waaay back in March my GP wrote to the dermatology department regarding my itchy/sore/scaly/just-generally-yucky skin.  I finally got to see a dermatologist yesterday, and he has diagnosed me as having lichen planus ~ which to be honest sounds like something one would find growing on a tree!  However, according to the brochure the doctor gave me: "In dermatology, the word 'lichen' means small bumps on the skin and 'planus' means flat, so the name comes from a description of the rash's appearance."  So that's me told then 😉  I have to go back to see him in two months but in the meantime I've been prescribed:

A 28-day course of atarax tablets to help with the itchiness.  They can cause drowsiness, so the doctor has said to take one at night.  I took the first one last night and apart from waking once, I slept like a log!  Oh, the bliss of a decent night's sleep after weeks of deprivation!

Etrivex shampoo to be used on the affected skin in the shower once a day.  I am to spread it thinly, leave for two or three minutes, then rinse off.  I haven't used it yet but will start the daily shower regime tomorrow.  Actually, I don't usually shower every day, and haven't done for many years ~ and no, I don't smell stinky 😄 My skin has always been sensitive and although it was very oily in my youth, once I got to my early forties it started to get much drier.  Then, when the menopause hit, that dryness and sensitivity got worse.  I do, of course, have a daily wash at the bathroom sink though!

Dermovate ointment, which is a "very potent steroid preparation".  I am to apply it to the affected areas twice a day for three weeks, then once a day for another three weeks.  I am not super-keen on steroid treatments but needs must, I'm afraid.  At this stage of my skin issues I'm willing to try almost anything for some relief!  I've only used it on my legs so far but even after that first application last night, they were left feeling more soothed than has been the case for weeks.  The discomfort recently has been utterly miserable, a horrible itchy, razor-burn/sunburn feeling.  And much as I know that I shouldn't scratch, it's been almost impossible not to, with the result that my legs in particular have become a mess of red, dry, scabby (because I've made them bleed), scaly and swollen skin *sigh*  I applied the ointment again this morning and my legs have felt much more comfortable today.  Hopefully, this will be a short-term treatment for just a few weeks.

And finally Epaderm ointment, which is to be applied to the skin after the dermovate has been given a few minutes to sink in.  Epaderm is for moisturising the skin and again, my legs feel much better even after only a couple of applications.

I'm really hoping that these treatments will help to clear up the lichen planus, although I suspect it may take a good few weeks.  Onwards and upwards, my loves, onwards and upwards! 

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1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you have a DX! Now just to follow through on all of the applications. Happy to hear it feels some better already. I have dry skin and it drives me nuts sometimes. If I forget (or don't have time for) the good lotion, I pay. Nothing as bad as yours is I'm sure. Good luck with the treatment!
