.....for this year, at least!
Saturday, November 30, 2019
7.45 this morning...
I was up early~ish this morning to see to Matty ~ the sky was just so beautiful!
This is the view I have from my craft room, across to the Orphir hills. I wish I was more proficient at taking photos, I just can't seem to do justice to the beautiful views we are so lucky to have from our home.
This is a view over to Graemsay, taken from the corner of our front garden! Not a very good photo at all, I'm afraid!
And this one is even worse LOL It's a view over to the oil refinery on Flotta ~ I just thought the blurry twinkling lights looked pretty so early in the morning 😊
Friday, November 29, 2019
Horror movie bonanza!
Last Sunday, the Horror Channel ran back-to-back, old black and white horror movies ~ frankly, the only kind of horror films I can really watch without terrifying myself LOL I've recorded the whole lot to amuse myself with at my leisure.
I watched Dracula earlier this week, a film that is older than my Dad by five years! As you might expect, the acting is rather over-the-top and the special effects are really quite funny ~ the "flying" bats in particular made me chuckle 😉 But still, it was an amusing way to pass an hour and a half or so, and there is something quite pleasing about a black and white film.
I've still got these gems to watch ~ I might even get some popcorn in 😋
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
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Father, Mother, God,
Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.
Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.
And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends
For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.
For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.
For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.
For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.
For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.
Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.
Maya Angelou
(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Quite the revelation!
I have been merrily chucking my used teabags in our compost caddy for years, only to discover recently that they actually contain a small amount of plastic and should therefore be put in the household waste bin! Actually, if I'm honest, I feel a wee bit ashamed that I didn't know that most teabags contain plastic 😟 Still now that I do know, I no longer compost the bags. Instead, because I had bought quite a few boxes when they were on offer (Adrian doesn't drink tea or coffee!), I have been cutting open the bags and tipping the contents into a Kilner jar to use the leaves loose. This meant that I had the ideal "excuse" to treat myself to a lovely new teapot, complete with its own infuser 😉
There is just something so cosy about a little brown teapot, really "hygge", and if it's possible to be in love with an inanimate object then I suspect that I may well be 😍
I've had the tea-cosy for years ~ no idea why I originally bought it, actually, as I've never used loose tea or even put tea-bags in a teapot! Still, it's certainly seeing plenty of use now LOL I may even crochet myself a second cosy to use up a little more of that yarn stash!
The revelation, though, has been the difference between brewing the loose tea in a teapot and just pouring boiling water over the bag in a mug! I have been amazed at how much more flavour and scent there is brewing in a pot. I mostly drink Lady Grey tea at home and Earl Grey in the main when I am out-and-about, both of which are "scented", but it's still been quite eye-opening for me at the difference between loose tea and the bags.
The only drawback to making this changeover is that I haven't been able to get hold of loose Lady Grey in Tesco, which is where I do most of my shopping. I'm not actually sure that any of the supermarkets sell loose Lady Grey, to be honest. Tesco do sell loose Earl Grey, though, so I've bought a pack as I drink it at home from time-to-time. I have been a tad naughty today, though, and have splurged out on a 500g caddy of Lady Grey from the Twinings online shop ~ I know how to live, eh 😉
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bathroom progress
Well, things are slowly moving along in the bathroom ~ the work in there seems to have been going on forever! Still, the various hiccups along the way couldn't be helped or anticipated. It just seems to be the way life at St Abbs unfolds 😉
There has been so much old pipework to be removed and new put in ~ the walls seem to be full of copper pipes! Although this was originally an exterior wall to the house, it is now inside the bathroom extension. The lagged pipe on the right is on one of the exterior bathroom walls. This is where our new shower will be.
And here it is, with the new plasterboard in place; there is insulation there now as well. Beneath the dust sheet is the new shower tray. At two metres long it was quite an effort for the guys to get it lifted into position!
This is the other side of the bathroom, where the toilet and basin will be. This is an external wall, so plenty of insulation has been installed.....
.....along with plasterboard to replace the horrible lath and plaster. You can see here where Callum (our decorator) has been taping and filling the joints and screw holes.
View into the bathroom from the utility area. It's so nice to finally have a new window in there, too.
It's been a very "bitty" sort of renovation, what with the water cylinder having to be temporarily moved out into the dining room and then the expansion tank being moved across to the other side of the utility window.
There's been lots of to-ing and fro-ing between Shug (our joiner) and Greg (our plumber), somewhat like the proverbial ships passing in the night 😃 This was the last section of lath and plaster to be removed. When we had the new water cylinder fitted, I cleaned the walls as best I could and painted out the old cupboard. The awful black area is a section I just couldn't get to properly. It's years of damp and mould ~ extremely yucky!
Now we have a nice new cupboard for the cylinder and all it's gubbins LOL Everything has actually been moved back now but I am a tad behind with photo-taking ~ as per usual, eh 😉
And this little alcove is where the washing machine and tumble-dryer will be stacked. As you can see it's only a tiny space so our electrician suggested putting the plug socket high up on the back wall, above the white goods. I think it would have been very difficult to use if it had been fitted on one of the side walls.
The plaster boarding is all finished now but as I said, I am a little behind with the photo-taking. Callum was here today to do a third coat of filling and Shug is due back tomorrow for woodwork. More photos to follow in due course!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
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www.allposters.co.uk |
Father, Mother, God,
Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.
Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.
And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends
For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.
For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.
For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.
For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.
For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.
Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.
Maya Angelou
(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sunday, November 10, 2019
![]() |
www.allposters.co.uk |
Father, Mother, God,
Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.
Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.
And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends
For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.
For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.
For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.
For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.
For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.
Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.
Maya Angelou
(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Stash busting
My yarn stash is currently residing in the guest bedroom.....and it seems to be taking up a fair amount of space in there! My mind keeps straying to that big 'ole pile of luscious fibres, all those balls and skeins just sitting in bags patiently waiting for me to actually create something with them. To be fair to myself, I have been good in that I haven't bought any yarn since September of last year, apart from a few balls from the charity shop to make some kitty blankets. Oh I have been tempted, of course I have, when those newsletters appear in my inbox with the latest special offers or new yarns but I have stood strong and resisted, my lovlies ~ I know, it's amazing isn't it 😄 Truth is, it's only guilt that's been holding me back if I'm honest LOL
So I had a look though that stash of mine and much to my shame, I actually came across yarns that I don't remember buying ~ not to mention the projects that I've started and abandoned! The time has come, methinks, to whittle that stash down and make those yarns into lovely things. I think I have enough yarn in that bedroom to keep me going for a very long while 😉
Since the weather has turned decidedly chilly, I thought I'd rather like a shawl or two to cosy up in. After a good rummage, I came across this lovely soft and snuggly Berroco Comfort yarn. Now, I have no idea where I bought it nor what I must have made with it (as all but one of the balls have been used to some degree) but I thought it would definitely make a nice shawl.
Oh, it's such gorgeous yarn to work with, so soft and smooth on the hook! It's going to be a colourful shawl, to be sure, but will be nice and cheerful to snuggle up in during these cold winter nights that are stretching out in front of us. Just got to decide how to use up the rest of the stash now!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
![]() |
www.allposters.co.uk |
Father, Mother, God,
Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.
Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.
And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends
For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.
For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.
For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.
For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.
For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.
Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.
Maya Angelou
(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Mummy's little helper!
I didn't make Christmas puddings last year ~ the thought of trying to steam them on the two-ring hob we were using filled me with horror!
This year, though, we have our lovely new cooker and for the first time Beverly helped me make the puddings 😊

What do you think are the chances of her taking over pudding making duties every year.....

somewhat slim, methinks, judging by the look on her face 😉
Here's the Larkin family recipe, if you'd like to make your own too:
12 oz/340g sultanas
12 oz/340g raisins
6 oz/170g glace cherries, halved or quartered
8 oz/227g finely chopped mixed candied peel
8 oz/227g plain flour
1 level teaspoon ground ginger
1 level teaspoon mixed spice
1 level teaspoon nutmeg ~ freshly grated if possible
1 lb/454g soft brown sugar
8 oz/227g breadcrumbs
10 oz/284g shredded suet ~ beef or vegetable, whichever you prefer
6 eggs
5 fl oz/142ml barley wine or stout
5 fl/142ml oz brandy
grated rind and juice of 1 orange
1/2 pint/284ml milk (approximately)
Grease whatever size of pudding basins you would like your finished Christmas puddings to be ~ this recipe will make enough to generously fill four 1 pint (5ooml) pudding basins, each one of which will give about six servings. I usually use three 1 pint basins and one 1 1/2 pint (900ml).
Sift the flour and spices into a very large mixing bowl, stir in the sugar, breadcrumbs and suet, then add the dried fruit and grated orange rind.
Beat the eggs and add to them the barley wine/stout, brandy and orange juice. Stir this into the dry ingredients and mix well, adding enough milk to give the mixture a soft dropping consistency if necessary.

Put the mixture into your well greased pudding basins. Cover each one with a doubled-up sheet of lightly greased greaseproof paper, making a pleat in the centre to allow for expansion whilst the pudding is steaming. Hold the paper in place with string or an elastic band. I also use a pudding basin net to make life easier when lifting the basins in and out of the steamer, but if you haven't got one simply use string to make a handle.
Bring a pan of water to the boil and place the pudding, in a steamer, on top; turn the water down to a low simmer. The puddings will take 6-7 hours to steam, depending on the size of basin you use. I steamed the one pint puddings for 6 hours each, and the larger pudding for 7 hours. I usually set my timer for one-hour-at-a-time so that I remember to watch the level of water in the pan, and keep it topped it up as necessary with boiling water from the kettle.
This year, though, we have our lovely new cooker and for the first time Beverly helped me make the puddings 😊
What do you think are the chances of her taking over pudding making duties every year.....
somewhat slim, methinks, judging by the look on her face 😉
Here's the Larkin family recipe, if you'd like to make your own too:
12 oz/340g sultanas
12 oz/340g raisins
6 oz/170g glace cherries, halved or quartered
8 oz/227g finely chopped mixed candied peel
8 oz/227g plain flour
1 level teaspoon ground ginger
1 level teaspoon mixed spice
1 level teaspoon nutmeg ~ freshly grated if possible
1 lb/454g soft brown sugar
8 oz/227g breadcrumbs
10 oz/284g shredded suet ~ beef or vegetable, whichever you prefer
6 eggs
5 fl oz/142ml barley wine or stout
5 fl/142ml oz brandy
grated rind and juice of 1 orange
1/2 pint/284ml milk (approximately)
Grease whatever size of pudding basins you would like your finished Christmas puddings to be ~ this recipe will make enough to generously fill four 1 pint (5ooml) pudding basins, each one of which will give about six servings. I usually use three 1 pint basins and one 1 1/2 pint (900ml).
Sift the flour and spices into a very large mixing bowl, stir in the sugar, breadcrumbs and suet, then add the dried fruit and grated orange rind.
Beat the eggs and add to them the barley wine/stout, brandy and orange juice. Stir this into the dry ingredients and mix well, adding enough milk to give the mixture a soft dropping consistency if necessary.
Put the mixture into your well greased pudding basins. Cover each one with a doubled-up sheet of lightly greased greaseproof paper, making a pleat in the centre to allow for expansion whilst the pudding is steaming. Hold the paper in place with string or an elastic band. I also use a pudding basin net to make life easier when lifting the basins in and out of the steamer, but if you haven't got one simply use string to make a handle.
Bring a pan of water to the boil and place the pudding, in a steamer, on top; turn the water down to a low simmer. The puddings will take 6-7 hours to steam, depending on the size of basin you use. I steamed the one pint puddings for 6 hours each, and the larger pudding for 7 hours. I usually set my timer for one-hour-at-a-time so that I remember to watch the level of water in the pan, and keep it topped it up as necessary with boiling water from the kettle.
This old saucepan belonged to my Grandma and I only ever use it for steaming puddings ~ each time I use it, though, I am reminded of her 😊 I've had the steamer forever; it's a wee bit battered these days as it's been dropped on the quarry tiled kitchen floor of our old house a number of times over the years!
At the end of the steaming period, take the pudding from the steamer and remove the greaseproof paper. Cover with a clean tea-towel and leave on one side to cool. When the pudding is totally cold, remove it from the basin and wrap in a fresh double sheet of greaseproof paper and then wrap tightly in cooking foil. Store the puddings in a cool, dry place.
I try to make my puddings towards the end of October/beginning of November and it's a family tradition to save one to have one at Easter. They should keep well, what with all that sugar and alcohol in them!
When it's time to eat your yummy Christmas pudding, you can either gently steam it for about 1 1/2 hours or reheat in the microwave. I can't really tell you how long to heat the pudding in the microwave; it's very much a trial-and-error process as each machine seems to heat differently! I just tend to heat ours on full in 3-4 minute bursts until it is good and hot all the way through.
Serve your pudding with whatever your family likes best: rum or brandy butter/sauce, custard, cream, ice cream, etc. My husband likes to have cream with his but I prefer a brandy sauce which I make very simply like custard ~ just substitute cornflour for the custard powder and add brandy to taste!
I really hope you enjoy this recipe. You can tweak away as you wish on the proportions and varieties of dried fruit, just keep the total amount about the same. You could have a little less fruit and add nuts. You could also use rum instead of brandy ~ I use brandy as I'm not that keen on rum. Make the recipe your own by using the fruit (and nuts, if you wish) that you and your family like to eat 😊
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