I'm still plugging away at the dolls' house miniatures but am starting to get some semblence of order! I'm storing things in largish plastic crates and by the time I'd found all the Peediekins, they needed a crate of their own ~ I was hoping that there would be room for them and the miniature clothes I've purchased over the years but there were rather more Peediekins that I'd thought 😮
As you can see, Peediekins come in all shapes, sizes and colours ~ just like we full-size folk 😉 There are 35 ladies in the photo above. I hadn't realised that I had so many womenfolk! They are all just-as-I-bought them, so some will be having new outfits in due course. I think virtually all of the ladies don't have removeable clothes, which I find rather annoying. After all, who really wants to be stuck into the same outfit 24/7!
I don't have as many chaps as ladies ~ only 17 of 'em. They, too, are mostly glued into their clothes. Looks like I have a lot of miniature sewing ahead of me!
Naturally, there have to be children and babies too 😊 I have 23 of the little darlings and some of them also have glued-on outfits. Please don't be alarmed by the little limbless girl in the middle of the photo ~ I'm sure I will come across her arms and legs but if I don't, then I promise to buy new ones for her!
Those of you who have a fear of little dolls should perhaps read no further.....
.....ah well, don't go blaming me for any nightmares 😉
These poor folk need an assortment of surgery! They all need fattening-up somewhat (especially in comparison to the chap at the top of the photo!), and some are also lacking various limbs. I came across instructions some time back for needle-felting bodies for dolls' house-size people, which is what I am planning for these folk.
I know that some miniaturists don't like "dolls" in their houses but I much prefer to have little folk and their pets (oh yes, I have quite the collection of cats, dogs, and other small creatures, too!) around. It seems to make houses, shops, etc, much friendlier and.....well, I was going to say realistic but you might think I am a little batty LOL