Sunday, March 2, 2025


Father, Mother, God,

Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.

Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.

And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends

For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.

For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.

For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.

For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.

For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.

Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.

Maya Angelou

(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)   

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Starting from scratch

image from Freepik

As you know, I've had very mixed results growing vegetables.  Starting with plug plants hasn't been as successful as I'd hoped it would be, which has been disappointing to say the least.  Some of the problem is that the plugs are sent by courier and can take days to arrive all the way up here which, of course, does the poor baby plants no good whatsoever.  Another issue is that the season is shorter than it is down south so by the time the plugs have arrived, I've just been running out of enough growing time 😒

This year I decided to take the bull by the horns and have a go growing my veggies from seeds.  Now I must hasten to point out that I have absolutely no experience at all with starting from scratch, so I'm a little apprehensive about how successful I shall be 😳  Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and it'll either work or not ~ which to be fair is my usual approach to growing plants anyway 😄

So I had a lovely time on the Marshalls Garden website at the weekend, mooching through all their lovely seeds pretending I knew what I was doing like a proper gardener 😉  I've ordered a variety of vegetables to try out: three varieties of tomatoes, swede, sweetcorn, three varieties of lettuce, sweet pepper, cucumber, carrots, broccoli, beetroot, and three varieties of dwarf French beans.  I also got somewhat carried away with a whole bunch (excuse the pun!) of annual flowers, which I'll try out instead of buying ready-grown bedding plants this year.

Obviously the seed packets have all the information necessary for sowing, growing on, etc, but I've decided to experiment this year by sowing the seeds earlier than suggested.  As I mentioned above, I just run out of time during our shorter growing season up here.  Starting them off earlier will either work or not and if I don't try, I'll never know 🤷 When the seeds arrive (they've apparently been dispatched already which is pretty exciting 👏) I'll sit down and study the packets, then ignore the instructions and draw up my own sowing timetable 😉

Before I get to the dizzying heights of sowing my own seeds, though, I shall have to have a good tidy up in the greenhouse.  I've neglected it all winter and really need to sort out the plants I put in there last autumn.  Some have survived and some haven't but I think it was still worthwhile to try to overwinter them.  My seed potatoes are also out there, quietly chitting away.  Potatoes are something that, touch wood, I have been successful with; I think it helps that I grow in raised beds, so they aren't sitting in really wet soil as the water drains through quite well.

Wish me luck, my lovelies ~ I shall keep you informed of my step-by-step progress!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Father, Mother, God,

Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.

Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.

And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends

For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.

For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.

For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.

For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.

For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.

Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.

Maya Angelou

(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)   

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bonus blanket #3

I'm not very good at just having one project on the go at a time so ~ full disclosure ~ even before I'd finished the baby blanket, my restless little butterfly brain wanted another project to work on alongside the guest bedroom blanket.  The latter is coming along nicely by the way ~ I've crocheted all the squares together in one direction and am now on the fourth row working in the opposite direction.  It's a big 'ole thing so I find it easier to sit on the sofa to work on it!

As you know, I still had lots of yarn left over from making Olive's blanket despite attempting to use it up with bonus blankets #1 and #2.  So I decided to make yet another attempt to use it up.  I thought I'd have a bit of a rummage in my stash to weed out the odd balls of yarn stuffed in there to add to the pile, too.  

This is what I ended up with😲 I've chosen to concentrate on the more autumnal shades, which are leftover from Olive's blanket, along with one of the balls of black and one of white.  I also dug out a turquoise shade which I've included in the new blanket, which for some reason isn't in the photo 😕  I haven't put the other shades back in the stash as I'm determined to get them used up as well once the latest blanket is done 😉

Most of the yarn is my go-to Stylecraft Special double knit, but there are a few oddments from other brands.  I found one ball of Patons Fab! in the bundle of black yarns which works up a little thicker and "stiffer" than the Stylecraft, despite also being an acrylic double knit.  It's not really noticeable, though, and I just wanted to use it up.  I also found a couple of thinner yarns but they are working out okay just being doubled-up.

And this is what I'm trying to use it up in: a "log cabin" patterned granny square.  It's really not the most attractive thing I've ever made but it'll do to replace my own somewhat elderly lap blanket, which has definitely seen better days ~ I certainly don't think anyone else would want it gracing their home 😄

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Finally finished!

image from Clipart Library

Those oh-so-tedious ruffles are finally finished and at last there is a completed baby blanket:

I can hardly believe just how bloody long this little blanket took to make!  Well, to be fair to myself, the main body crocheted up pretty quickly as it's not a large blanket.  But those ruffles 😲 It's such a simple pattern and really shouldn't have caused me all the angst that it did, but I really did not enjoy adding those ruffles!  Still it's done now and as the baby arrived yesterday, I got it finished in time 😄

On an entirely different note, my sister found these photos that our Mum had kept ~ I thought I'd share them with you for a little giggle 😉

Dad and I outside the church

They are from my first wedding, back in June 1980; I had just turned 19 and my ex-husband was coming up to his 21st birthday.  The marriage didn't last long ~ looking back with the benefit of hindsight I can see that we just weren't right for each other.  I left in 1982 and moved in with Adrian, so we've lived together for almost 43 years now, and have been married for over 40.  I think I managed to get it right second-time-around 😊

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Father, Mother, God,

Thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.
For then we have you to lean upon.

Thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days.
For then we can share that which we have with those who have less.

And thank you for your presence during the Holy Days.
For then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends

For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.

For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness.

For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing.

For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.

For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon them the light of hope.

Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give to all the world that which we need most.....PEACE.

Maya Angelou

(4th April 1928 - 28th May 2014)   

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Reading round-up: January 2025

image from Clipart Library

I managed to read three new books, and finish one I had started in December, during January.  I'm really pleased to have got my fiction-reading mojo back!

Another Man's Poison (George & Molly Palmer-Jones series book 5): Ann Cleeves
(started in December 2024)

Sea Fever (George & Molly Palmer-Jones series book 6): Ann Cleeves

Murder at the Brightwell: Ashley Weaver

The Mill on the Shore (George & Molly Palmer-Jones series book 7): Ann Cleeves

 I'm off to a fairly good start this month.  I finished the last in the George and Molly Palmer-Jones series that I started last month and I'm now on my second book from the first collection of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple boxed sets I treated myself to with Christmas money.

Here's to a lovely year full of books 😊